Gablonzer Hütte, Alpenverein Neugablonz Enns

Hut warden(s): Jeannette und Gunnar Niehusen
Hut phone number: +43/6136/8465
Total sleeping places: 67
Height above sea level: 1.550 m
Coordinates: UTM Y (Nord) 5.265.519 / UTM X (Ost) 385.586
This calendar shows the available beds per category. Please select the date to make the reservation.
Are only a small amount or no beds available, you can be put on a waiting list.

Cancellation costs: up to 14 days before arrival free of charge; 14 to 2 days before arrival: EUR 10.00; 1 day before arrival: 50% of the room rate; On the day of arrival: 100% of the room rate. IBAN: AT98 2082 8000 0000 9753 Online reservations can be made at the latest until 18.00 clock the day before arrival.