Greizer Hütte, DAV Sektion Greiz Sitz Marktredwitz

Hut warden(s): Halie Ezratty und Christian Förtsch
Hut phone number: +43 664 99721169
Total sleeping places: 82
Height above sea level: 2227 m
Coordinates: 11°53'08''/47°02'35''
This calendar shows the available beds per category. Please select the date to make the reservation.
Are only a small amount or no beds available, you can be put on a waiting list.

Online reservations until 12:00 p.m. the day before the arrival date. If you want to book after that please call, email or WhatsApp. If there are no double or shared rooms available here, they are fully booked! Unfortunately asking doesn't help either :( Questions about booking may be answered by taking a look at our website ( If not, write to us directly at