Hochjoch Hospiz, DAV Sektion Berlin

Hut warden(s): Florian Scheiber
Hut phone number: +43 720 920 311
Total sleeping places: 60
Height above sea level: 2.413 m
Coordinates: 46°49'30.0"N 10°50'02.0"E
This calendar shows the available beds per category. Please select the date to make the reservation.

The specified opening and closing times may change due to the weather. ATTENTION: The winter camp is closed during the opening hours of the hut! A price adjustment may take place due to inflation. UNIQUEMENT PAIEMENT EN ESPECES POSSIBLE A LA CABANE ! Achtung: Als Berechnungszeitpunkt des Änderungs- und Stornozeitraumes wird der Anreisetag um 18h00 verwendet.