
Hut warden(s): Skiclub Münster / Obergoms Toursimus
Hut phone number: +41 27 974 68 68
Total sleeping places: 35 in 3 Massenlager
Height above sea level: 2113 m
Coordinates: N 46°29’21“ / E 8°14’35“
This calendar shows the available beds per category. Please select the date to make the reservation.

To open the hut you need the hut key. The key can be collected/returned at the Münster tourist office from Monday to Friday (in high season also on Saturday) during opening hours. Please contact Tourismus Obergoms before visiting the hut so that you know whether you can collect/return the key directly or via the key box. !!Please state the reserved group name, number of persons and overnight stay when paying!! Obergoms Tourismus AG, Furkastrasse 617, CH-3985 Münster Telephone: +41 27 974 68 68 E-mail: Web: