Mönchsjochhütte, Genossenschaft Mönchsjochhütte

Hut warden(s): Yann Roulet - 3801 Jungfraujoch
Hut phone number: +41 (0)33 971 34 72
Total sleeping places: 127
Height above sea level: 3657 m
Coordinates: 643.500 / 156.100
This calendar shows the available beds per category. Please select the date to make the reservation.
Are only a small amount or no beds available, you can be put on a waiting list.

Online-reservations can be made at any time up to 08:00 on the day of the opening date. Later reservations can only be made by telephone directly at the Hut. No overnight stay without a reservation! We charge additional costs for any additional expenses incurred due to a missing reservation.